Ju and Ci on the lying pines
April 3. Cutting 4 big pine trees in the garden to make room for the new house. ZsoJuCi were just taking refreshments to the hardworking grandpas.
Cutting the pines
The tree cutters
Spring is beautiful

Ci and eggs
Te and eggs
Sand sacks everywhere
Old bridge very close to the water
Water leaking through the sacks
Tisza flood I
Grandpa Balazs and Feri did the job. Thank you!
Spring flowers
Wa and Ni enjoying Easter too
The big moving I
Zso's birth place
April 18. We went to see river Tisza which frightened everybody in Szeged with the flood. The water level broke an all time record.
April 15. Collecting Easter eggs
The big moving II
WaNi and eggs
April 22. The day of the big moving. Grandpa Feri and grandma Erzsi decided to move from their old house (which was Zso's birthplace by the way) to Szeged to be as close to ZsoJuWaNiCeTe as possible. It was kind of sad, but also a start of a new life